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I am delighted you got on my website. I want you to find here all the information you need at this moment.


I am a Mindset Coach, an NLP Practitioner and a Mentor Coach.


I can help you achieve any goal you set for yourself, create more of what you want, fulfill your desires, make practical steps and determined actions in the direction you want.


Send me an email for a Free Coaching or Mentoring Session


I offer a free session to everyone who visits my website for the first time.


During this session, we will talk about your goals and dreams and what you want to have more in your life.


This discussion will bring you Clarity and you will make an Action Plan to successfully achieve your goals.

Thank you!

About Magda


People and the interaction between and with them have always fascinated me.


My journey towards personal development began in February 2015 in London.

Since that time, I have not stopped looking for new methods and effective techniques to help myself first, and then to help those who need my support.


Like you, I have had and still have smaller or bigger challenges in my life.

However, I understood how important it is to learn something from those challenges and see them as necessary steps in my evolution.


My motivation, inspiration and fulfillment is to guide people with love and kindness towards finding their personal strength and the resources they need in that moment to continue their journey through life with confidence, joy and meaning.


Although I spent a few years finding answers to my most burning life questions from different coaches, mentors and teachers, I want to assure you that you do not have to and will not spend so many years to create a mentality that will propel you to another level of understanding and manifestation of everything you want to become in your life.

To do this in a more natural way, with long term visible effects,  you need Wisdom, a lot of Courage and an enormous amount of Determination, because Fear and Habit are the enemies of any attempt to build the life you want to look at with pride and joy instead of regrets and frustration.


If you're still Here, Now is the time to regain your mental clarity, to see the bigger picture, to make conscious and beneficial choices for you, and especially to make your life a Masterpiece.

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